Integrating Carrd with EmailOctopus

EmailOctopus integrates with Carrd, a one-page site builder that you can use to create landing pages for your mailing list sign-up forms. Here's how to integrate the two platforms.

Carrd is a service allowing you to create a simple one-page site, which you can use as a landing page to collect email addresses and build your list. 

Integrating Carrd with EmailOctopus

1. Click the "Add Element" button in Carrd.

2. Click "Form" to create a new form element in Carrd.

3. Set Form Type to "Signup", then "Via EmailOctopus".

4. Enter your EmailOctopus API Key, which you can find by following these instructions.

5. Find your List ID – you can find it under your list's "Settings" tab in EmailOctopus. Your list's ID should resemble a string of random letters and numbers (eg.  xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).

6. Enter the List ID from your EmailOctopus list settings (above).

7. On Completion: choose whether to display a message or redirect to a URL.

8. Click "Done". The site should now have our fully functional EmailOctopus sign-up form.

Advanced Optional Settings:

1. Check "Require double opt-in" to send visitors an opt-in confirmation email. Make sure to enable double opt-in on your EmailOctopus list, too.

2. Click the "Fields" tab and rename or toggle the form's fields. Note that some fields may require you to add additional text fields to your EmailOctopus list.

3. Click the "Button" tab to change the form's "Submit" button label.

4. Choose whether to enable reCAPTCHA.

Troubleshooting tips

If you're getting a communication error, try the below:

  • Double-check that there's no space after the API code you've pasted in your form. If you've copied it to your clipboard from our API documentation it could have copied with a space at the end, so eliminating it could resolve the issue.
  • Make sure that the double opt-in setting for your list in EmailOctopus and in your Carrd integration matches.
  • Ensure that your reCAPTCHA is working – you might need to restart your browser.

If the communication error persists, reach out to Carrd to troubleshoot it further. 

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