Setting up your branding

Before you start creating your campaigns, you can set up your branding, which will be applied to all templates from the Branded section.

If you haven't set up your branding yet, open your Templates tab and click on the Create button.

Click on the Set up your brand button in the pop-up, and you can now start setting up your brand assets.


You can save up to five images and choose the main logo that we'll load automatically in your branded templates.

Primary colour

Choose a primary colour that will be used for your buttons and links across your branded templates.

Secondary colours

Those colours will be saved for you to choose straight from our colour pickers. No need to remember your HEX codes. You can save up to five secondary colours.

Fonts and text appearance

Here, you can choose the default font for your headers and body text.

Social links

This option allows you to save your social links that we'll include in your branded templates automatically.

Once you're done, click Save to save your branding and return to Templates to create your new branded template.

You can click on the logo to swap it for a different one, and select your brand colour in the colour picker.

Head to Global Settings and click Edit brand to make changes to your Branding.

You can also easily add your logo to any template – just drag it from the left-hand side menu.

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