Your account
Here you'll find support documentation to help you navigate your EmailOctopus account
- How EmailOctopus's pricing works
- Do you offer a free trial?
- Forgotten password
- How to create an affiliate account
- Why do you need my mailing address?
- What is the difference between EmailOctopus and EmailOctopus Connect?
- Invite users to your account
- Switching between your accounts
- Changing the name of your EmailOctopus account
- Deleting my account
- Setting or updating a profile image
- Setting up two-factor authentication (2FA)
- Data storage and GDPR compliance
- Why has my account been deactivated?
- How does the affiliate program work
- How does the referral program work
- How many users can I add?
- How to change the account email address
- Is my content allowed?
- 403 error