Adding an image to an email

It's quick and easy to add images to your emails in EmailOctopus using either our drag and drop editor or the classic editor. Here are instructions on how to do it.

Drag and drop editor

Drag in the image block to your email campaign. You can change the image by clicking on it and selecting the Change image option.

You'll see a pop-up appear with three options listed on the left-side menu. You can:

  • upload an image from your computer – click and select an image to import, or drag an image from your computer and drop it in the selected field

  • choose the Recently uploaded option to insert one of your recently uploaded images

  • browse among thousands of free stock images available on Pexels – you can use the search bar to look up a specific theme or navigate with the arrows to view all available images

Legacy editor

Select the Insert Image option from the editor toolbar.

You have the option to:

  • Upload image - You can upload an image from your system onto EmailOctopus.
  • By URL - You can link to an existing image on the internet.
  • Browse - You can select an image from those you've previously uploaded.

EmailOctopus email editor supports JPG, PNG and GIF (raw .gif). We also support SVG images, but we don't recommend using them, as some email clients don't fully support them (for example, Gmail).

We do not support MP4 or embedded video, as most email clients don't support these file types. For the best deliverability and customer experience, add a link to the video in your template.

Is my image file too large?

You should optimise and compress large images with TinyPNG or any other image optimiser tool to reduce the total size of your images and improve the experience for mobile users. No single image should be more than 500KB. Smaller is better. You may receive an error if you try to upload an image larger than 5MB into the editor.

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