Do you have an email I can contact?
Of course, you can send us a message directly from here. Once you're in our Knowledge Base, on our main page or in your Dashboard, just click on the message beacon in the bottom-right corner of your screen. Then, select "Email" to send us an email directly.
Make sure to leave your email address so that we can get back to you.
If you don't see the help beacon or if it doesn't load correctly, it's possible that your adblocker is preventing it from working as expected. To solve this, try adding to your adblocker's Trusted sites or Allow list, disabling the adblocker altogether, or using an alternative browser.
Note: We are totally unconnected to the company Octopus Energy. We, EmailOctopus, are an email marketing platform aimed at businesses. If you need to contact Octopus Energy, you will need to do so via their website.