How to segment contacts based on their engagement

Segmentation based on engagement allows you to target active or inactive contacts in your sends easily. You can segment your contacts based on their engagement in two ways - by campaign activity or by contact activity.

Since Apple iOS 15 update, the tracking pixel in the Apple Mail app is being automatically pre-fetched. So, in many cases, the open rate might not be the most reliable metric. You can learn more about it here.

To create a segment, go to your list and choose the Segments tab, then click "Create a segment".

Choose your segment's name and choose which option to segment your contacts with.

"Campaign activity" will take into account your contact's activity from regular campaigns only, and you can choose from one of the available operators:

The next step is to decide what time frame you are interested in.

You can choose:

  • Any of the last 5 campaigns
  • All of the last 5 campaigns
  • Any campaign within the last 7 days
  • Any campaign within the last 30 days
  • Any campaign within the last 90 days
  • Or any particular campaign you're interested to check

Don't forget to save your segment after choosing conditions.

If you're using the didn't open or didn't click condition, keep in mind it may also display contacts in this list who weren't sent the campaign (if, for example, you sent this campaign only to segment and not a whole list).

If you'd like to exclude those who haven't received it, add an additional filter of was sent.

"Contact activity" will take into account your contact's activity from regular campaigns and automated emails, as well as their subscription date. It allows you to choose from two operators:

After selecting the operator, type in the timeframe that works for you. You can filter out as far as 365 days back.

How to access your segment

You can access your saved segments during a campaign setup. Select a list and choose which segment you're interested in.

You can also create a one-off temporary segment when setting up a campaign.

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