Adding new fields

If you want to personalise your campaigns more, you likely will want to use additional fields – we call these custom fields. Custom fields are widely used to store information on a subscriber, such as their address, phone number or age.

You can find them by heading to Lists, selecting the list of your choice and clicking on the Fields tab.

When creating a new custom field you'll need to choose between text, numerical or date type. Dates are stored in YYYY-MM-DD format, so when importing contacts or adding them via the API they will need to be in this format. When using forms or landing pages, they will display in the preferred format of the end user.

Once selected, you will be asked to provide the following:

  • Field label: The field label is a descriptive name, used only within the platform. 
  • Tag: This tag is a single word, used as identifier when you need to reference the field. The tag is used for both merge tags and when searching for contact.
  • Default value: The default value is the content used by default if a field is referenced in a campaign but doesn't exist for a contact.

On Starter plans, you may add up to 7 of your own fields, making the total fields stored 10, including email address and the First and Last name. On Pro plans, you can store up to 50 fields per list.

The character limit for every value is 200.

Numerical fields are not suitable for phone numbers since they can't start with a zero. Use text fields for phone numbers instead.

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