Verifying a new email address

Note: This article applies to EmailOctopus only. If you're using EmailOctopus Connect with Amazon SES please read this article.

When you sign up to EmailOctopus, the email address you used will already be verified, so you can begin sending immediately.

If you'd like to verify further email addresses, visit the Senders screen, and select Verify email address from the dropdown.

You'll need to have access to the email account you are verifying, as we'll send you an email to confirm ownership.

To resend the email with the verification link, click on the "Pending" label next to the email address within the  Senders screen, then click on the "Resend email" button on the pop-up.

If you're using EmailOctopus Connect alongside Amazon SES, you will need to follow these instructions instead.

Note:  When you click on the verification link in your email, you must be signed in to your EmailOctopus account where you're verifying the email address for the verification to complete.

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