My test lands in spam

Before you send a campaign to your contacts, you can send a test message of your design (campaign, automated email or template) to your own email address to check if it looks the way you intended in your inbox. To do that, use the "Send a test" feature within the editor.

Sometimes, test messages can land in your spam inbox – this doesn't mean that your actual emails will land in the spam folder, as test messages are treated differently from actual campaigns or automated emails. Test messages can trigger spam filters as, for example, you might be sending multiple copies to your inbox, sometimes not opening them and not engaging with them.

The "Send a test" feature is meant for viewing your template in your mailbox to ensure the design is how you want it to look and to check that your links are working correctly. It is not a test for deliverability (hitting the inbox). If you'd like to know how to test your campaign's deliverability, we've created a short article on this here.

One of the best ways to ensure optimal deliverability for both test sends and finalised campaigns is domain verification.

If you use EmailOctopus Connect, you may want to set up DMARC, SPF, and DKIM. Find out how to do this here.

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