I have several businesses – how do I manage them with EmailOctopus?

If you own multiple businesses and wonder how to manage those on EmailOctopus, you can choose two different approaches - either create separate accounts for each business or manage them within a single account. 

Creating separate accounts

We generally recommend creating dedicated accounts for each of your projects. This approach has many benefits, such as:

Working with a single account

It is also possible to manage different businesses within a single account:

However, there are also some limitations. You can only set up one Branding and add one postal address and payment method, so you shouldn't use one account if you need to keep those details separate for each business.

In general, having a single account can be a good solution if your projects are closely associated and use the same branding, billing details, and postal address. In other cases, creating separate accounts for each business is more efficient.

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